Milwaukee Public Library Mitchell St Branch - 906 W Historic Mitchell St
Thursdays 10:30-11:30a.m.
This fitness-focused program offers weekly sessions that highlight body mobility, flexibility and literary resources on how to set and maintain fitness goals.
This fitness-focused program offers weekly sessions that highlight body mobility, flexibility and literary resources on how to set and maintain fitness goals. As the new year begins, this 60 minute series offers a fresh start to claiming the best version of ourselves. Positive self affirmations and step-by-step displays of various fitness techniques will be demonstrated. Recipes and fitness techniques used in the sessions will be available as literary resources for home use. All levels of fitness experience are welcome (inexperienced to advanced).
Attendees are encouraged to bring a yoga-style mat. All other supplies will be provided. Registration is required at Walk-ins welcome if space permits.
Thursdays, February 23, 2023 thru January 18, 2024. No Program May 24, August 31, and November 23. Register at
Reasonable accommodations provided upon request. Contact the
ADA Coordinator @ (414) 286-3475 or